--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, voiceofreason_quizbowl
<no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> All in all I think that a conflict here is a very bad idea. I
> however, would not be opposed to ACF Nationals being held later...
> perhaps the first weekend of May? Just a thougt...
Never happen. I was down in GT partly to celebrate the fact that I
wouldn't have to take any more damn classes (now that I have reached
that point of my life where I just have to sit back and pass an oral
exam, then write a thesis, and then defend it). Our undergraduates
end tomorrow; finals are over on May 2. It is possible that we are
the fastest university and no one else would ever be done by the first
weekend of May, but it doesn't seem likely. It would be even worse
for those schools who are a week later and would have to come down for
ACF Nats during their study period for finals.
But then, I can barely get four quiz bowl people together in the same
room, let alone at a tournament....