FSU as well as Florida and Michigan (I think) have finals around ACF
Nats as it is...
--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, "Andrew Feist" <feistatduke_at_y...>
> --- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, voiceofreason_quizbowl
> <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> <snip>
> > All in all I think that a conflict here is a very bad idea. I
> > however, would not be opposed to ACF Nationals being held
> > perhaps the first weekend of May? Just a thougt...
> Never happen. I was down in GT partly to celebrate the fact that I
> wouldn't have to take any more damn classes (now that I have reached
> that point of my life where I just have to sit back and pass an oral
> exam, then write a thesis, and then defend it). Our undergraduates
> end tomorrow; finals are over on May 2. It is possible that we are
> the fastest university and no one else would ever be done by the
> weekend of May, but it doesn't seem likely. It would be even worse
> for those schools who are a week later and would have to come down
> ACF Nats during their study period for finals.
> But then, I can barely get four quiz bowl people together in the
> room, let alone at a tournament....