Bear with us, folks. We are indeed undergoing some reorganization,
but we'll try to keep the internal politics off the message board.
Candace Benefiel
Faculty Advisor
Texas A&M Academic League
--- In, "alexmetcalf" <alexmetcalf_at_h...>
> Recently, Texas A&M Academic League underwent a drastic
> reorganization, due in large part to the multi-billion dollar state
> budget shortfall in the state of Texas. One result of this
> reorganization is that our contact information will be changing.
> Chris Romero will no longer speak for Texas A&M Academic League in
> any capacity. All communications with Texas A&M Academic League
> should now go through our new Vice President, Alex Metcalf. Alex
> be reached at alexmetcalf_at_h... (alexmetcalf at hotmail dot
> com). If you have any questions, feel free to address them to him,
> and we look forward to seeing all of you throughout the next
> competition year.
> Texas A&M Academic League