is of course greatly exaggerated....
Firstly I wish to apologize to the forum as a whole for both this
message and that of Mr. Metcalf. These messages concern a intra-
scholastic matter which is not proper fodder for this board.
Rest assured that I will continue to speak for Texas A&M in most
quizbowl matters which concern this community. Myself, Candace, Trey
and Susan enjoy participating in quizbowl events around the nation
and plan to continue to do so for at least the next couple of years.
Chris Romero
PS I expect to solicit votes for the end of the year poll at the end
of the week.
PPS I am currently planning to host a college tournament at A&M on
Oct 4th. Though an more comprehensive announcement is coming, I would
to invite the entire community to this event.