You misquoted me. I did not call a moderator the worst ever. I
said, "No offense, but you're the slowest moderator I've ever
heard." (Although some of our Div II moderators were close to being
that slow, I didn't hear them as I was furiously, but nowhere near
quickly enough, entering stats into my excel spreadsheet. Also, that
annoying and slow-reading red-headed girl who moderated in Div II is
transferring, probably to Michigan, thank goodness.) This is much
different than what you purport my words to be. As for the buzzer
rocks comment, I didn't use the exact phrase buzzer rocks, but did
say something similar. I respect your right to voice your own facts
and opinions, but you do not have the right to misrepresent my
views. Attack my TD ability all you want (although I promise our
Sept. 27-28 tourneys will be much better), but don't misrepresent
me. I can speak for myself, but I am getting tired of having to
defend myself.
Jason Mueller