I apologize for my misinterpretation of what you were asking Jerry. My
belief was that I would continue to cull playoff packets, ideally getting
one from Michigan folks not playing and one from an outside source (possibly
a third mirror in the Southeast or New England) and have three playoff
packets to swap in a three-way exchange.
Because the Kidder Cup is full guerilla by tradition and practicality, the
only packets we will have going in are the playoff packets, which will be
edited by non-playing Michigan people.
Short form, you're sending us a playoff packet, we're sending you one back
in return (and my apologies for not being clearer with your initial
inquiry.) If you'd like further discussion on this, please feel free to
email me.
Also, if you aren't bold enough to write a whole packet, if you'd like to
drop us 5/5 questions or so, we certainly could use all of the help we can
Craig Barker
Tournament Coordinator in future absentia
The 9th Annual Kidder Cup