>> He beats science players to science, >> myth players to myth, >he doesn't do any of these things very often. Joon is exactly right here. I've spent almost all of my career on teams with great myth players (Steve Lawrie, Lenny Kostovetsky, and Seth) and have only beaten them to a tiny handful of myth questions. That I sometimes beat a science player (and we have lots of them out west) to a question categorized as "science" reflects nothing more than the continuing prevalence of Colvin science on the circuit. That tossup at ICT? "Slime molds." Susan Ferrari is right to distinguish this sort of thing from actual knowledge learned in science classes. So I put up gaudy stats at sectionals because NAQT has double the geography distribution of most other tournaments. Seth knows more than I do about mythology, art, and literature, not to mention science. There should be no dispute that he's the best player on the west coast. >>reads Latvian national epics in his spare time. Please stop talking about the Latvian epic on the list. You're ruining my plan to go 20-0 when Paul Litvak writes a "bear-slayer" theme packet for the next Michigan tournament. Jeff Hoppes Most overrated player, Berkeley Quiz Bowl
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