Several important things regarding the Stanford Packet Archive:
1. The URL is changing to:
Please update your bookmarks; the old URL (which was gross anyway)
may eventually stop working.
2. Please send us packets for the archive! Seriously, I know lots
of schools have old packets from tournaments they've hosted. Don't
just let them sit one someone's computer. Send them to us! Teams
depend on the archive for practice questions. Packets from any year
and in any readable format should go to me (ewsmith at stanford dot
edu). Of course, please only send packets which you can legally
3. To set an example, we've posted the packets from Stanford's
Cardinal Classic XIII, which was held in February and edited by our
own Joon Pahk. Enjoy!
4. If you find errors in the archive, let me know (ewsmith at
stanford dot edu), and I'll try to fix them.
5. Many of the packets are text files with gross formatting. Others
are in the proprietary .doc format. I may try to clean up some of
the packets and put them in a nicer format. Any comments on this?
What's the best format? HTML? RTF?
6. Last, I'm thinking of adding a .zip file of the archive. Right
now, the whole thing, zipped, is about 11 MB. Would this be helpful?
-Eric smith, Incoming President, Stanford Quiz Bowl