> 5. Many of the packets are text files with gross formatting. Others
> are in the proprietary .doc format. I may try to clean up some of
> the packets and put them in a nicer format. Any comments on this?
> What's the best format? HTML? RTF?
If you're converting .doc files, I'd recommend RTF. It seems like a
very portable format -- files can be opened by a variety of word
processors without significant formatting hassles (at least in my
experience), and I've never had any problems with it (unlike .doc
As for plain text files, if the grossness of the formatting you refer
to is only things like underscores in place of underlines or tildes
used to indicate italics, I don't think it's worth the effort to
change them -- I've always kind of liked that format, and the files
are smaller.
--Raj Dhuwalia