The University of Tennessee Quiz Bowl Team is proud to announce that
it will be hosting the Midsouth ACF Fall tournament on November 1,
2003 in Knoxville, TN. The fee structure is as follows:
$100 base fee
$80 for each additional team
-$10 for a working buzzer system
Packets received by:
Sept. 5: -$25
Sept. 19: -$10
Sept. 26: no penalty
Oct. 10: +$15
Oct. 17: +$30
Minimum fee: $50 per team
Packet requirements can be found in message 12906
( All packets
should be sent directly to Kelly McKenzie at ksmcke0_at_h...
(ksmcke0 _at_ Packets will not be accepted after October
17 unless previous arrangements have been made with Kelly.
If you're planning to attend, considering attending, or have questions
about the tournament, please contact me by e-mail at
silverleaf22_at_y... (silverleaf22 _at_
Further details about tournament location, directions, etc, will
follow once we have an idea how many teams will be attending.
--Scotti Whitmire