Dear Quizbowl team, The UCLA College Bowl Club is pleased to announce TWAIN IV: And the Goblet of Fire! TWAIN stands for Tournament Without An Interesting Name. This should be the first high school and college event of the year for most schools, especially on the west coast. Come one, come all! This Event WILL sell out. (It always does, so sign up early!) DATE: Saturday, October 4th, UCLA PARKING: Parking is $7 at various lots throughout the UCLA campus. Recommended parking options will be available once the exact location of the tournament is established. LOCATION: Exact Location is TBA, but will be on the UCLA Campus. Expect this information in about a week's time. 9:45 am Registration 10:10 am Rules Meeting 10:30 am Registration Any team not showing up by 10:20 a.m. will forfeit their spot, and any team on the waiting list will be granted entry. FOOD: Bagels and/or doughnuts and OJ will be provided for breakfast. It is recommended that each team member bring at least $6 for lunch on campus (Ackerman Union, Northern Lights, Lu Valle Commons, etc.). A map of UCLA is available at Please print out copies of this map to bring with you to the Tournament. FORMAT: We will be using NAQT Invitational Series Questions. The format will very similar to NAQT, but with 21-question untimed rounds. The exact scheduling system will be determined by the number of teams playing. Each participating team will play a minimum of eleven rounds. There will be 2 divisions. One for high schools and one for colleges. College teams with 0 or very little experience may be allowed to play in the high school division (Pending TD approval). ELIGIBILITY: We are throwing open eligibility to all undergraduates and all high schools teams, regardless of previous experience. PRICING STRUCTURE: $90/team -$10 for an approved moderator -$5 Working buzzer system -$5 Cash discount -$5 for any teams in addition to the first Late Withdrawal Penalty: Any team withdrawing after September 30th will be subject to a $10 Late Withdrawal penalty on a future event held by the UCLA College Bowl Club. Please make all checks payable to: "Ravi Menghani." REGISTRATION: The Tournament Directors for TWAIN IV shall be Ravi Menghani (raviucla_at_...) and Matthew Sherman (shermanm_at_...). If you are planning to come, please email Ravi ASAP at raviucla_at_... with the following: 1) Your school's name 2) A contact's name and a working email address 3) The number of teams you are bringing 4) The number of buzzer systems and/or moderators you are bringing 5) If you will be able to pay cash. SPACE IS LIMITED, so register soon. Regards, Ravi Menghani Co-Director, TWAIN IV Founder UCLA College Bowl Club
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