While that does sound interesting, if you are planning to come to UWO
for TRASH Regionals, it may not be a good idea to be in Ottawa the
night before, as it is 8 hours away...
By the way, the announcement for the Great Lakes Regionals will follow
Adam Bishop
--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, jdinan8271 <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> If you were at Viva TRASH Vegas, you might have had a chance to meet
> with or play against Paul Paquet. Not only did Mr. Paquet join
> with Anne Mitchell and Rob Long to led their team to a playoff berth
> at VTV, he is also the man behind Cornerstone Trivia and
> http://www.triviahalloffame.com
> On November 7th, 2003, Paul is putting together a World Trivia Night
> in Ottawa, Canada! The events features teams of up to 10 players
> answering trivia questions in 10 categories.
> Information will be posted soon at http://www.worldtrivianight.com
> (Currently, there is only info on last year's event on the page).
> If you happen to be playing at the TRASH Great Lakes Regional at UWO
> (or any TRASH Regional for that matter), make World Trivia Night
> appetizer! And tell 'em TRASH sent you!
> James Dinan
> Business Manager, TRASH
> jdinan_at_j...