The University of Western Ontario will be hosting the TRASH Great
Lakes Regional on Saturday, November 8, 2003. As usual the tournament
will be held on the second floor of University College (the building
with the tower and the flags).
The fees for the tournament (US dollars):
First team - $75
Second team - $60
Third+ teams - $50 each
Buzzer - $10 each
Game official - $10 each
TRASH "newbie" teams will have to pay only $20.
For everyone else, the minimum fee is $40.
Maps and directions to UWO, as well as hotel information and various
other information, can be found at:
And this announcement can be found at:
To register, e-mail me (Adam Bishop) with all the necessary info (who
you are, what you're bringing, what discounts apply) at
ambishop_at_... (ambishop at uwo dot ca).
Adam Bishop
UWO Quiz Bowl