> Then again, people who use the web interface to this group are pretty
> much doing the same thing. Interestingly enough, said web interface -
> lo and behold - supports threading.
Do you use the web interface? If you do, you'll realize that it has only the most primitive and partial threading. Given a message, you can go up and down a thread with a link at the end of the message, but unless there's some optional functionality of which I'm not aware (and which I'd be very happy for you to inform me of), there's no way to view messages as a list of threads that can be expanded. Instead, all messages are listed, irrespective of thread, in chronological order. I don't even know a way to view an entire thread, either with concatenated messages or a tree structure of the posts and authors. So if i'm on one branch of the thread's tree, there is no way to hop to another without going up to their common descendant and then following it down. It really is terrible. Presumably the best option would be something with a threading message interface (e.g. a usenet newsgroup) with some set up to email messages.