--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, koszul <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
"Presumably the best option would be something with a threading
message interface (e.g. a usenet newsgroup) with some set up to email
That's how it all started. And alt.college.college-bowl still exists
on usenet; some of the later posts from the attempt to reclaim it
circa 1997 can be searched on google.
But some Harvard boys, breaking all netiquette and behaving like
total jerks on other newsgroups, brought down upon a.c.c-b the
collective wrath of the most virulent, crazed, and doggedly
persistent internet a**holes. And we were forced to retreat, winding
up here after a few stops along the way. Googling "meow meow"
and "Bruce" used to lead to a faq or two that recounted the history,
but I'm too lazy to see if the sites are still there.
I'm full of history, and no doubt other things, today. :)
P.S. to the guy wanting N. C. State history: if memory serves me
right, after winning the College Bowl NCT in 1987, Mr. Wessel & Co.
were honored during the half time of a home football game the
following autumn. I'm certain your school will have records of that.
Check your university archives. And, btw, though largely forgotten
today, Chuck Wessel IMO in his prime ranks among the handful at the
top of the list of greatest players in history. And I've seen nearly
all that aspired to that rank since 1981-82.