Since I'm here, I thought I'd relate an unseemly event from this
year's Science Bowl. I don't *think* I posted this back when it
happened; I'm sorry if I did.
(Conveniently, btw, the below situation happened in an elimination-
round of the playoffs, on the last question of a two-point game, on
a question worth four points, in the room where I was the judge)
I don't remember all the words exactly, but the question boiled down
"How many grams of water are there in a liter of water?"
The first team answers "Ten-thousand": wrong, no penalty.
The second team answers "1 kilogram". The correct answer is "1000"
or "1000 grams". You make the call.
FWIW, I'm happy with the outcome that our room chose, with the
outside help of an official judge. I'll post what we did to add to
a discussion, if there even is any.