Hey all,
Unfortunately, there has not been enough interest to put on any
reasonable tournament on Oct. 11th. I know some of you have already
submitted packets, and others of you are working on them currently.
However, even if I add together all the packets I have and the teams
that say they are working on a packet, the number of teams
approaches 4 or 5. As far as I know, ther are no other packet-
submission tournament on Oct 11th, so a swap is not possible. I
don't think anyone wants to go to a tournament and play only 4
rounds, and we just don't have the people to write 5 or 6 rounds of
questions ourselves between now and next weekend.
So, unless I suddenly get about 6 more packets in my inbox in the
next day or two, we are postponing our tournament. We aren't sure
what date we're pushing it to, but it seems like we may have to move
it to the Spring. My apologies to those who have already put in
their work on a packet--I know you are disappointed.
If some of you are currently working on a packet, and you haven't
told me (ie. Stanford, Caltech, Cal Poly, Riverside, and anyone
else), then tell me ASAP. There is still a little bit of hope, but
don't bet on the tournament being held on Oct 11th.
Sanjay Madhav
USC Quiz Bowl