The Fall 2003 Academic Competition Poll will be released on Monday,
October 13. Any and all interested parties are invited to submit
ballots (current participation not required).
Voting Ground Rules
Voters don't have to be currently affiliated with any school.
Voters can and should weigh currently available tournament results
(of whatever form) as they see fit as well as any additional
information (returning players, new recruits, etc.).
The administrator reserves the right to reject extreme outlier
Ballot Ground Rules
A team which receives #1 vote will receive 25 points, #2 vote, 24
points....a #25 vote, 1 point.
Only one team per school will be counted. B or C teams will be
disregarded and the schools behind them moved up accordingly.
Please make sure school identifications are unambiguous (e.g. don't
use UM for Michigan)
Each ballot must contain at least 20 valid entries
Entries will be accepted until 10 pm on Sunday, October 12th.
Please mail all entries/questions to a c top 25 (sans spaces) at
hotmail dot com.
Trey Morris