Hi all- I have a train to catch in about a half hour, so I'll make this much more brief than it deserves to be: 1) I am as of 9 AM today on fall break, and away from the Internet, so I will not be checking or responding to email until Sat. Oct. 18. 2) Accordingly, the next packet deadline for SNEWT has been extended to noon Mon. Oct. 20. I have three packets so far- Virginia and the two Rutgers. I am willing to offer exemptions/extensions to teams that need them; so far exempt teams include PSU A,B,C; West Virginia Wesleyan (new programs); and JHU B and C (they asked me very nicely). 3) I can only guarantee two more avaliable spots for SNEWT; I will probably set up a wait list, in addition to exploring the possibility of expanding the field (which is unlikely, considering logistics.) Priority will be given to programs that have not signed up for an A team at all; any B and C teams registered from here on in go on the wait list (PSU B and C, JHU B and C, Penn B, and Princeton B are all safe.) I would like to allow as many programs as possible to have a chance at playing. 4) If you have registered for either SNEWT or TRASH, please let me know what buzzers/moderators you can bring. We are looking at 20+ teams for each, and we will therefore need lots of buzzers, as well as additional moderating staff. 5) I know I owe at least a couple of you some responses; please accept my apology that these responses will be less timely than they should be... (by the way, counting undecideds, we're at 20 for SNEWT and 17 for TRASH so far; right now I have the rooms for 22 at SNEWT and 26 for TRASH) Gotta go... Chris Swat CB
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