NOTE: This info will be available (in a nicer form) by noon on Thursday _at_: "This Tournament Goes to Eleven (v.4.11): None More Black" was held October 10th and 11th, 2003, at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. Though the team field was small, everyone had a good time, and it was judged to be an awesome event by all. Using UI's patented 11-scoring, the University of Illinois-Urbana- Champaign won the event with 89 points. The 1st Runner-Ups were Carleton College with 48 points, and the 2nd Runner-Ups were DePauw University, who played exceptionally well the second day. In the Individuals Tournament, First, Second, and Third Place went to Andrew Ullsperger (Illinois-Urbana-Champaign), Matt Cvijanovich (Iowa State), and Ezra Lyon (Carleton). Winner of BOTH the Most Negs (14) and the Worst Neg ("condoms" for "shrinky dinks") went to Jeff Morrison of Iowa State University. He received a Iowa Hawkeyes shot glass for his performance, which—I'm sure—will make him the envy of all of his Cyclone friends. The Best Submitted Packet came from Anthony de Jesus, formerly of Case Western. Team Results: Team Totals Averages Game Pts 11™ Pts Game Pts 11™ Pts Illinois-U-C 3319 89 332 9 Carleton 1596 48 160 5 DePauw 1630 40 163 4 Grinnell 1201 31 120 3 Iowa State 915 28 92 3 Saint Olaf 523 15 52 2 Top 11 Scorers: Player Tossups Negs Total Points PPG Nick Rothfuss 56.5 1 560.00 56.00 Jonathan Nichols-Pethick 54 1 535.00 53.50 Jeff Morrison 48.5 14 415.00 41.50 Matthew Marjan 42 3 405.00 40.50 Kevin Clair 44 13 375.00 37.50 Andrew Ullsperger 42 10 370.00 37.00 Stan Jastrzebski 42 10 370.00 37.00 Paul Dynowski 40 7 365.00 36.50 Alyssa Hesse 37 4 350.00 35.00 Mike Sorice 37.5 8 335.00 33.50 Matt Cvijanovich 33 11 275.00 27.50 Complete Scoring List: Player Tossups Negs Total Points PPG Nick Rothfuss 56.5 1 560.00 56.00 Jonathan Nichols-Pethick 54 1 535.00 53.50 Jeff Morrison 48.5 14 415.00 41.50 Matthew Marjan 42 3 405.00 40.50 Kevin Clair 44 13 375.00 37.50 Andrew Ullsperger 42 10 370.00 37.00 Stan Jastrzebski 42 10 370.00 37.00 Paul Dynowski 40 7 365.00 36.50 Alyssa Hesse 37 4 350.00 35.00 Mike Sorice 37.5 8 335.00 33.50 Matt Cvijanovich 33 11 275.00 27.50 Brad Houston 33 11 275.00 27.50 Jack Rousseau 31 11 255.00 25.50 Warren Miller 28 5 255.00 25.50 Kyle Shipley 24.5 6 215.00 21.50 Keith Purrington 23 6 200.00 20.00 Mary Parker 24 10 190.00 19.00 Avram Gottslich 21.5 5 190.00 19.00 Courtney Colby 21 5 185.00 18.50 Kelly Tourdot 19 1 185.00 18.50 Ezra Lyon 20 4 180.00 18.00 Sean Kinney 20 4 180.00 18.00 Sudheer Potru 20 4 180.00 18.00 Bill Laxen 20 5 175.00 17.50 Carl Carlson 20 5 175.00 17.50 David Ristuben 14.5 3 130.00 13.00 Laura Messer 17 9 125.00 12.50 Dave Kiang 14 3 125.00 12.50 Charlie Bryant 11 1 105.00 10.50 Neal Schuster 12 5 95.00 9.50 Brian McConnell 11 3 95.00 9.50 Amanda Hartman 11 4 90.00 9.00 Dan Sinykin 10.5 4 85.00 8.50 Scott Moser 7.5 2 65.00 6.50 Mike Austin 7 1 65.00 6.50 Amy Danowitz 7 1 65.00 6.50 Simone Kahmeyer 6 0 60.00 6.00 John Bartholomew 10 9 55.00 5.50 Jon Day 6 1 55.00 5.50 Kevin Hamlin 7 5 45.00 4.50 Avram Lyon 6 3 45.00 4.50 Christine Vigeland 6 3 45.00 4.50 Brian Lindquist 4 1 35.00 3.50 Julia Adams 3 0 30.00 3.00 Adam Bonk 3 2 20.00 2.00 Top 11 Neggers: Player Tossups Negs Total Points PPG Jeff Morrison 48.5 14 415.00 41.50 Kevin Clair 44 13 375.00 37.50 Matt Cvijanovich 33 11 275.00 27.50 Brad Houston 33 11 275.00 27.50 Jack Rousseau 31 11 255.00 25.50 Andrew Ullsperger 42 10 370.00 37.00 Stan Jastrzebski 42 10 370.00 37.00 Mary Parker 24 10 190.00 19.00 Laura Messer 17 9 125.00 12.50 John Bartholomew 10 9 55.00 5.50 Mike Sorice 37.5 8 335.00 33.50 Complete Neggers List: Player Tossups Negs Total Points PPG Jeff Morrison 48.5 14 415.00 41.50 Kevin Clair 44 13 375.00 37.50 Matt Cvijanovich 33 11 275.00 27.50 Brad Houston 33 11 275.00 27.50 Jack Rousseau 31 11 255.00 25.50 Andrew Ullsperger 42 10 370.00 37.00 Stan Jastrzebski 42 10 370.00 37.00 Mary Parker 24 10 190.00 19.00 Laura Messer 17 9 125.00 12.50 John Bartholomew 10 9 55.00 5.50 Mike Sorice 37.5 8 335.00 33.50 Paul Dynowski 40 7 365.00 36.50 Kyle Shipley 24.5 6 215.00 21.50 Keith Purrington 23 6 200.00 20.00 Warren Miller 28 5 255.00 25.50 Avram Gottslich 21.5 5 190.00 19.00 Courtney Colby 21 5 185.00 18.50 Bill Laxen 20 5 175.00 17.50 Carl Carlson 20 5 175.00 17.50 Neal Schuster 12 5 95.00 9.50 Kevin Hamlin 7 5 45.00 4.50 Alyssa Hesse 37 4 350.00 35.00 Ezra Lyon 20 4 180.00 18.00 Sean Kinney 20 4 180.00 18.00 Sudheer Potru 20 4 180.00 18.00 Amanda Hartman 11 4 90.00 9.00 Dan Sinykin 10.5 4 85.00 8.50 Matthew Marjan 42 3 405.00 40.50 David Ristuben 14.5 3 130.00 13.00 Dave Kiang 14 3 125.00 12.50 Brian McConnell 11 3 95.00 9.50 Avram Lyon 6 3 45.00 4.50 Christine Vigeland 6 3 45.00 4.50 Scott Moser 7.5 2 65.00 6.50 Adam Bonk 3 2 20.00 2.00 Nick Rothfuss 56.5 1 560.00 56.00 Jonathan Nichols-Pethick 54 1 535.00 53.50 Kelly Tourdot 19 1 185.00 18.50 Charlie Bryant 11 1 105.00 10.50 Mike Austin 7 1 65.00 6.50 Amy Danowitz 7 1 65.00 6.50 Jon Day 6 1 55.00 5.50 Brian Lindquist 4 1 35.00 3.50 Simone Kahmeyer 6 0 60.00 6.00 Julia Adams 3 0 30.00 3.00
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