I too recently started a team, at University of Illinois at Springfield, and I just wanted to share my experiance with you as it may be of some relevence to your problem. When I first sent out advertising for team members I too got a great response close to the one you have recieved. After a few practices though the numbers of people attending started dropping off to till it hit a more manageable number. While I hope you are able to retain large numbers of people and I wish you luck your propblem will probably solve itself within a month or two. Greg Matheny UIS Quiz Bowl President --- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, Patrick King <pakman044_at_y...> wrote: > The funny: I was doing a practice Tuesday night, and > this was the question that I read: > "What 1989 novel tells the tales of June, Rose, > Waverly, Lena, and their mothers?" > True answer: Joy Luck Club > Answer Given by someone else: Babysitter's Club > Ouch! > > The serious: I have begun holding informational > meetings for quiz bowl at my school (NC State), and > the turnout for the amount of advertising I have done > is phenomenal. I have gotten over 30 people over the > last two days and there are at least 5-10 more that > aren't counted in that because they aren't in my > database or couldn't make it to either of the two > informational meetings. The problem is that I have > never dealt with a group this large. What can I do to > make quiz bowl to a group this large (although > probably not all at once) more fun and more personal > (when you get to the 30+ person level, it starts to > get to the point where you are reading 1 question per > person the whole practice!)? I think I am going to > have to do multiple meetings per week, but even then > the numbers per practice will (at least to start with) > will be around 15-20. > > Thanks everyone! > > Sincerely, > > Patrick King > NC State Quiz Bowl > > > __________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears > http://launch.yahoo.com/promos/britneyspears/
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