My primary justification for allowing Carleton A to play as a Div.
II team was that another team in the tournament, that has played in
roughly five tournaments total, fell in the same situation. That is
they were in their fourth semester of playing but their "third
year." I felt it better to let them play Div. II and out of
fairness I also had to let Carleton A play Div II. Perhaps this was
a bad judgement call on either my part or on Kelly's part. However,
any distinction one makes between an experienced "Div I" and an
inexperienced "Div II" player or team is bound to be arbitrary.
A few further notes. First, I wish to acknowledge that Chicago C
played tremendously especially in that this was their first
Second, I agree with both Susan and Eric that ACF has to make a more
specified distinction between Div I and Div II as "first or second
year" can lead to different interpretations. Also (unless I missed
it) ACF doesn't have any criteria for distinction between Div I and
Div II written into their rules or their eligibility requirements
which is also problematic.
Matt Cvijanovich
Tournament Director: ACF Fall Midwest.