The following teams have registered for TRASH Regionals at
Washington University in St. Louis on Sunday, November 9.
Tim N.-1
If you still want to register please get in touch with me, Sean
Phillips at allythin AT SYMBOL . I'm going to keep the
registration open a little later than the GIT registration, so don't
feel pressured if you're still deciding at the Sunday end of
things. We will start both tournaments at 8 am both days with
registration in January Hall 110 from 8-8:45 am and rounds will
begin promptly at 9. If this field holds at the moment, we'll do a
full rr then something like a partial rr as playoffs (top 4 do 3
rounds, bottom 4 do 3 rounds, records carrying over). If we get
more teams, that may change.
See you Sunday,
Sean Phillips