As promised, here are a few leftover tidbits from COTKU 2003. It was
an early-season tournament intended to be suitable for junior varsity
teams, but there were some more experienced teams in Division I, so it
makes sense that there were lots of speed buzzes (too many to list)
but only three bragging rights and one bagel. (The only tossup
unanswered was one I wrote myself, on St. Swithin.) Bragging rights
went to:
Steve, Emory A (The Burgher's Daughter)
Gerry, Emory A (eddy current)
JT, Emory B (dengue fever)
There were a few gloriously wrong answers as well, one of which was
clearly an application of Eileen's Corollary ("If you can't be right,
be funny"): for "Shadow of the Vampire", someone answered "Being John
Malkovich, Only Worse." Less intentional errors:
Wrong: Japanese-Americans
Right: Jehovah's Witnesses
Wrong: Deforestation of Prague
Right: Defenestration of Prague
Wrong: John F. Kennedy
Right: Steve Bartman
(So ask not what your Cubbies can do to you, ask what you can do to
your Cubbies.)
Wrong: Fruitcake
Right: Haggis
And the most gloriously wrong answer of COTKU 2003:
Wrong: the Know-Nothings
Right: Team Rocket from Pokemon