Hey y'all, The West incarnation of the 2004 ACF regionals will be held at the University of California at Berkeley on Saturday, February 14, 2004. I urge you all to forsake your respective regional tournaments for the chance to visit our lovely town, home of PhD-holding vagrants, senile Nobel laureates, and the only known incarnation of the Young Spartacist League outside of Weimar-era Germany. Fee structure is as follows: Base Fee: $100 -$10 for each additional team -$10 for each buzzer set -$5 for traveling >= 100 miles -$10 for traveling >= 300 miles *Special bonus discount = -$10 for beating Brendan at Dance Dance Revolution minimum fee: $50/team Packet information is as follows All packets should be sent to Raj at rsbhan _at_ hotmail.com. Every team in attendance will be required to submit a packet except for the following: 1. Teams composed entirely of first- and second-year players. 2. Teams that have not attended an ACF Regional Tournament in two or more years. 3. C teams and lower (all A and B teams are required to submit a packet unless they meet the exemptions above). Each packet should contain 25 toss-up and 25 bonus questions. The distribution is as follows: Literature – 5/5 Science – 5/5 History – 5/5 Religion/Mythology/Philosophy – 3/3 Fine Arts – 3/3 Social Science – 2/2 Miscellaneous (either literature, science, or history) – 2/2 In addition to the above categories, teams may opt to submit 1/1 additional pop culture questions, though there is no guarantee that these will be used. Please make sure your questions are diversified within each category (e.g. at least 1 physics, 1 chemistry, and 1 biology per 5 science questions) and are free from spelling and grammatical errors. Please refer to the ACF Question Writing Guidelines and Supplement when putting your packet together. These can be found at http://www.dpo.uab.edu/~paik/acf/columns.html. The packet submission deadlines are as follows: -$30 for packets submitted by December 15, 2003 -$20 for packets submitted by January 4, 2004 -$10 for packets submitted by January 14, 2004 No penalty for packets submitted by February 3, 2004 +$50 for packets submitted after February 3, 2004 Well, I think that about wraps it up. Feel free to e-mail (brendans at uclink dot berkeley dot edu) me with any questions/complaints. -Brendan Shapiro Default TD
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