8 Teams competed the Saturday before last in the ACF Fall West 2003
Tournaments. Congratulations to Berkeley's Team "Spare Me Your Space
Age Techno-Babble, Attila the Hun!" for emerging victorious. (Stanford
"Old and Bitter" and Berkeley "The Kids are Alright" were ineligible for
the championship.)
Final Standings:
Stanford Old and Bitter 11-3 *
Berkeley "The Kids are Alright" 11-3 *
Berkeley "Spare Me Your Space Age Techno-Babble, Attila the Hun!" 10-4
Berkeley "Nominalists Wit Attitude" 6-8
UCLA 6-8
Berkeley "Team Discovery Channel" 5-9
Berkeley [Untitled] 5-9
Stanford Young and Bitter 2-12
*Teams included non-students, and were ineligible for the championship
No teams entirely met Division II requirements, so no Division II
Championship was awarded.
Full tournament statistics are available at
Many thanks to all who helped and participated.
Eric Mayefsky
Stanford Quiz Bowl