Results: After thirteen rounds of competition, Chicago A (Ferrari, Maddipoti, Reece, Yaphe) defeated a field of nine teams to win The Illinois Open 2003: Transfigured Spite. Second place was garnered by Michigan A (Berdichevsky, Heller, Lafer, Litvak), while Kentucky (Kendall, McKenzie, Money, Osborne) gleaned a third-place finish. Wesley Matthews of Indiana, as is his wont, was the leading scorer. Full stats, both team and individual, will be posted here shortly, with a link to fuller and better (i.e. SQBS, which program is synonymous with good) stats shortly thereafter. Thanks: My thanks go out to all teams who showed-up for showing-up; to everyone who encouraged me or (especially) gave me good advice (and I want to say these were the only type of comments that I recieved); to Brad Huston of Grinnell for guest moderating; to Nick Rothfuss and Dave Kiang of the UIUC ABT for making stats possible; to everyone else from the ABT who staffed, wrote questions, and got together to make a house team on short notice when one became necessary; and especially to Matt Weiner for mirroring our event and providing many, many quality questions. My deepest thanks, however, must be reserved for my co-editors Sudheer Potru and "The A-Train" Andrew Thomas Ullsperger, without whose hardness of core this tournament would have failed entirely. Their willingness to devote probably over a hundred workhours each to this tournament is the only reason for its success. Michael Angelo Sorice Chief Editor and Tournament Director The Illinois Open 2003: Transfigured Spite
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