Congratulations to all who participated in the University of
Florida's Fall High School Tournament. Winners and high scorers were
as follows:
Division I:
In a playoff match that saw four lead changes in the second half,
Ransom Everglades A took the Championship over Martin County.
Third place went to Walton A.
Division II:
1st place: Vero Beach 11-0
2nd place: Gulf Coast White 10-1
3rd place: Lincoln High School 8-3
Individual High scorers were:
Division I:
Hannah Okaloosa-Walton 73.33 PPG
Shawn Eastside A 62.86 PPG
Drew Vero Beach A 61.25 PPG
Zach Martin County 54.38 PPG
Marti Lincoln 53.89 PPG
Division II:
Alton Vero Beach 38.46 PPG
Michael Gulf Coast White 35.00 PPG
Ben Vero Beach 32.27 PPG
Gabe Niceville 29.09 PPG
David Lincoln 29.00 PPG
Full stats will be posted shortly at
Thank you to all who participated and all who helped out, especially
our advisor Chris Medrano. We look forward to seeing everyone back
in Spring.
Thank you,
Michael Napier