This is an announcement for the Illinois Novice Tournament, which will be held on Saturday, March 6, 2004 at the University of Illinois in "picturesque" Urbana-Champaign. This will be a packet-submission event as per the guidelines below. *Who Can Play? The tournament field is open to teams composed of players in their first or second year of collegiate competition, all of whom attend the same school. *What is the Format? Each match will consist of 20 tossups with accompanying bonuses, divided into two untimed halves. The tournament will consist of some form of round robin (which form, exactly, as dictated by the field size) followed by a playoff to decide the tournament champion. *What of the Questions? Each team participating must submit a packet of questions following the distribution below. Packets submitted by schools sending multiple teams must be blind. Assistance in writing from more experienced team members is encouraged. The question difficulty should lie around that of a competative non-ACF invitational/NAQT SCT. To aid in question writing, I am willing send a copy of last year's round robin questions to each registered school. Each packet submitted should follow the following subject distribution (toss-ups/bonuses): History 4/4 Science 4/4 (no science biography, please - put that in "other academic") Literature 4/4 Religion/Mythology/Philosophy 3/3 Fine Arts 3/3 Geography 1/1 Social Science 1/1 Other Academic 3/3 Pop Culture/sports 2/2 (no more than 1/1 sports) Current Events 1/1 (please avoid story-of-the-moment questions) Total 26/26 - No spelling or calculation questions. - No FAQTP toss-ups. - No ordering or multiple choice boni. - No more than 1/3 of the TU answers should be real people. - Please be diverse within each distribution category. - All tossups are worth 10 pts and should be no longer than 6 lines; all bonuses should be worth a total of 30 pts. - Packets disregarding these guidelines will probably be returned as unacceptable. Packets should be submitted via email to msorice_at_... either as an attached Rich Text File, attached Microsoft Word file, attached text file, or (if absolutely necessary) as text in the body of the email, in that order of preferance. Additionally, the entire packet must be submitted as a whole, with questions sorted by category. Answers should be bolded if possible. *What Does This Cost? Base fee for acceptable questions by Feb. 7 $50 Base fee for acceptable questions by Feb. 21 $85 Moderator (competent) -$10 Buzzer (working) -$10 Each additional team -$5 Packet accepted after Feb. 21 +$25 (assuming you're allowed to play) Packet not submitted/unacceptable +$50 (assuming you're allowed to play) There is a $30 fee for any team that registers but then cancels or fails to show for non-emergency reasons without notifying me via email 2 days in advance. *Where Can I Get More Information, Register a Team, Send a Packet, etc.? All of the above should be addressed to Mike Sorice, msorice_at_... Hope to see you here in March! Michael Angelo Sorice, Person in Charge of the Illinois Novice Tournament PS: contains this announcement and all others regarding this event in a much more elegant and legible format.
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