OK, I realize my club dropped a team but:
Those who have cancelled in this past week may still be
> assessed such a fee.
Are you kidding us with this? Not only is this unfair to do to the
teams that dropped, I'm reasonably sure that 1) you're not in any
way empowered to levy a retroactive fee under the guidelines that
NAQT sets out for you as a host and 2) even if you were, how are you
going to collect the money? Not allow teams to play? Oh wait!
They're not playing anyway!
> We are sorry that this is necessary, and hope that it will not be
> problem anymore.
Necessary? C'mon Amanda, don't pee on my leg and tell me to build an
ark. This tournament is 3 days away, which means that teams' plans
for attending invariably will fall through. There is still plenty
of time to adjust schedules and staff the event. Tossing around
threats to teams already registered is NOT necessary.
Sean Phillips
Speaking for himself and his symbiant, not WUAT...blah blah blah