I couldn't help but notice that you didn't mention any cancellation
fee whatsoever in your previous posts, meaning you propose to assess
an unprecedented level of penalty for cancelling for what may be
legitimate reasons, with several days notification, completely ex post
facto. Good luck collecting that. If I decide not to go to your
tournament as a result of this fiasco, I'm not paying you a thing.
--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, "Amanda Hartman" <dpuducks_at_y...> wrote:
> Due to the high rate of next to last minute cancellations, we at
> DePauw feel it necessary to implement a fee. Any further
> cancellations will be assessed a fee equal to that which they would
> have paid. Those who have cancelled in this past week may still be
> assessed such a fee.
> We are sorry that this is necessary, and hope that it will not be a
> problem anymore.
> Amanda Hartman
> DePauw Quiz Bowl