> From: "Emil Thomas Chuck" <etchuck_at_...>
> I can commiserate with Amanda in terms of what to do about these last-
> minute cancellations. [...]
> I do understand circumstances in which charging late fees would be
> necessary[...]
What about, having teams who register be required to pay
something like 1/3 of the entry fee in advance? Is this
practical? In some ways it would be quite justifiable,
since most expenses involved with running a tournament occur
before the day of the event.
In quiz bowl we've gotten into the habit of
paying fees the morning of the tournament. Thus telling
(weeks in advance) a tournament organizer that you're
coming involves no commitment. I wonder, then, how many
teams say they're coming when they're actually unsure, and
want to reserve a place just in case they decide to do so.
Many cancellations, I agree, are for quite legitimate
reasons. But if teams had to put their money where their mouth is when they register for a tournament, it would
perhaps eliminate some of those caused by e.g. two team
members suddenly realizing that they have two exams and a
paper due the following week, or that they'd really rather
go to that Friday night party.