I put a clause in all of my tournament announcements (ahead of time)
that confirmed teams failing to show up without giving appropriate
notice will be assessed a $25 fee. And although I have never
collected on it, I think it's definitely an issue.
Anyone who's been a TD knows that if you don't have two or three
alternate brackets drawn up and ready to go for the teams don't
show, it can turn into a logisitical nightmare.
So, here's my solution: We should have an ebay-style rating system
for teams that attend tournaments. If you show up, pay on time,
etc. you get a "good participant" rating (10 goods gives you a gold
star?)...If you don't show, you bounce checks, etc. you get a bad
rating. Teams with consistently low ratings don't get invited to
tournaments. And who knows? Maybe they even get reported to their
university's student activities or administration?
Just a thought...
Jeremy Rasmussen
Official has-been, Quiz Bowl at USF