As previously posted, UTC has a high school tournament (the Dennis
Haskins Open) on Sat., March 20. We are seeking either or both of the
a) FREELANCE QUESTION SUBMISSIONS: For every submission of 25 or more
original questions total, we offer a full tournament set (your choice
-- high school, collegiate, or trash) OR a $15 discount off Moon Pie
or RC Cola registration fees in April. We especially need more fairly
easy questions, although still in the modified ACF style. If you
prefer to specialize in a broad subject area (literature, science,
history, etc.) e-mail me and I'll let you know what we need in your
We will offer a full set of any of our tournaments AND a $15 discount
off Moon Pie or RC Cola registration fees for each full round of 25/25
(or equivalent) of freelance questions. For those out of Moon Pie/RC
range, we'll offer two tournament sets instead. Packet distribution
will be roughly the same as that posted for Sword Bowl, except that we
will add a math or computer science question to most if not all rounds.
b) MIRROR SITES far enough from Chattanooga (and Gainesville, FL) to
avoid conflict. We offer three different mirror deals (one that's
purely monetary, one that's purely question contribution, and one
that's a combination of both.)
For details, e-mail me at steinhic [at] bellsouth [dot] net.