> From: Charlie Steinhice <steinhic_at_...>
> Now to tonight's sermon: I'd like to say a few words in defense of
> chatter between questions.
> Within reason, it helps the game, in at least three ways:
I agree with you, with the "within reason" caveat -- for
untimed tournaments. For timed tournaments, of course, it
does waste time that could be used to read more questions
and (arguably) make for a fairer game.
In a timed tournament, if a team starts chattering after
a question, I go right on reading the next question;
if they don't fully hear it, it's their own fault.
> Hey, where else in this life do we get to repeat our best Augusto
> Pinochet joke, whinny whenever someone mentions Field Marshall Blucher,
> or hear a whole room laugh when someone says, "Mmmm..... Doenitz"*?
Or makes fun of the Belgians.
I and my QB acquaintances certainly do this at practices
all the time, or while having lunch etc. during the
None of your stated reasons excuse a team talking during
the other's bonus, which should not be done just for the
sake of courtesy / sportsmanship, and which should receive
a warning or penalty if done excessively.