Calling all College Bowlers! I'm posting today to gauge interest in a potential TRASH tournament to be held at Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) either the last weekend in March or the first weekend in April. This would be an in-house written and run tourney, and we'd like to get about 10 to 12 teams, though we'll run it with a minimum of 8, and we'll try to work out ways to do it with more than that if the response is strong. I realize this announcement is a bit late, but we've noticed a relative scarcity of tournaments for this semester, and thought we'd try to do something to fix that. With that in mind, we're trying to be as flexible about running this as possible--which weekend, and whether it would be held on a Saturday or Sunday, along with other relevant details will not be decided until teams who are possibly interested e-mail me to let me know what would work best for them within the relative guidelines of the above-mentioned weekends. The benefit of taking this approach is that hopefully it will allow us to put together a good tournament to suit as many teams' needs as possible. The main drawback is the relative lack of time between now and the end of March--so I need to know A.S.A.P. if teams are interested. That said, I'm giving a deadline of a week from today (17 February) to e-mail me at nosborn3[at]jhu[dot]edu to let me know about potential interest (bear in mind this would not be treated as a commitment, just as a sense of where we stand). I'll post again in a week with either an official announcement or to let you know that Hopkins won't be hosting a tournament this year. Thanks for your quick responses. --Nick Osborne, JHU College Bowl
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