> > Thanks. I have used the WayBack Machine to restore the 1999-2000
> > season, and will do the others when I have time. It's been pretty
> > successful so far, with only a few tournaments missing. If anyone
> > has them, I'd appreciate it if you could send them to me.
> >
> > The link is http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~quizbowl/tournaments.htm
> >
> > Alternately, you can go to http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~quizbowl/
> > click on "Resources" and go to "Tournament Records Archive."
> >
> > Jerry
I have the full Tournament Results pages I did for 1999-2000 and for
2000-2001 - send me an email at hurstrh AT hotmail.com and I'll pass
the .htm file to you.