As has been stated on this message board before, Duke's March
Madness Tournament was a mirror of the Truman State Brainal Leakage
Tournament held back in January.
Now that Duke has officially completed their mirror, I'd like to
welcome anyone who participated in either the March Madness tourney
or the Brainal Leakage tourney to comment on the questions.
Specifically, comments regarding question difficulty, distribution,
content, etc. are all welcomed. Comments will be carefully
considered by us as we strive to write better questions for our
tournament next January as well as for any other future tournaments.
Feel free to either post comments directly on this message board or
to directly email me at c1881 (at) truman (dot) edu.
Chris Wang
President, Truman State ACO
Editor, Brainal Leakage II: The Larry Iles Memorial Tournament