After a long hiatus, this website has been finally updated. Results from past nationals tournaments have been refreshed and posted in the results sections, with collection of regional and fall results upcoming. Your assistance is desired in filling in the details, such as past editors, names with missing last names, and other such sundries. If there are any corrections needing to be made, also please contact me with the correction and I'll get back to you. Regionals and Fall results will be done this summer, provided such statistics are still extant somewhere on the internet. Previous tournament directors of Fall and Regional tournaments are encouraged to send in Stat99 spreadsheets or SQBS data files to me for compiling, or text files in lieu of those. Nationals 2004 information has been posted to the Nationals page. Your assistance is especially required in regards to the missing packets in the packet archive. Since their unannounced removal from the Maryland Quiz Team's webspace, I do not have a copy of those packets extant. Please e-mail me with those packets, or any other ACF packets from ages past not included on that list. As for the non-ACF packets, please forward those to the Stanford Packet Archive. I have acquired webspace on that should be able to host ACF files for the next three years. This may also precipitate moving this entire site to a commercial server; therefore, please point all links to Yours, Jason Paik Quiz Bowl Ronin ACF Webmaster paik at uab dot edu
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