> Or perhaps you could arrange a Illinois/UCLA match with the Sudheer,
> Sorice and Andrew on the Illinois team.
I was going to stay out of this (this time around) as my views on the
matter have been well-known for some time but, on behalf of my
teammates and myself, I feel compelled to remind you not to kid
yourself. Any time your team of champions wants to play, they can feel
free to come over here and get their skulls crushed. We play (at
least) every Monday and Thursday in 132 Lincoln Hall, Urbana,
Illinois, though I'm happy to arrange a special meeting time if need be.
Of course, this won't happen for obvious reason, but I'd like to
remind you that planting the suggestion (however "subtle") that your
kids would stand anything like a walleye's chance at a VFW cook-out
against the team that won the NAQT Undergraduate Championship two days
ago makes you sound like you don't know what you're talking about.
However, I'm entirely serious; any time you feel like watching Sudheer
go 5/4/0 against your team, feel free to come on by.