Hello, I visited Trish tonight (Apr.9) and have some wonderful news. She is conscious and aware of her surroundings—enough to talk some and it doesn’t seem as though any of her memory or thought processes were damaged. She was clearly touched by the messages I read her and wanted to tell you “thank you” and that her head/neck really hurts. She’s still heavily sedated and in pretty rough shape but it’s a huge relief to see her smile. Trish won’t be able to receive any gifts or guests until at least after she leaves the ICU but keep sending her emails to messages_for_tricia_at_.... While Trish, her family and everyone is incredibly grateful for all the offers of help and concern, it’s best to focus on writing her at the email address—the response has been great but I want to keep this wonderful outpouring from overwhelming anybody. And, while I have more names in the list, I had some addresses bounce back earlier and there are still lots more people I need to reach. Please forward this to them… Thanks, Justin, friend (former Dartmouth, adopted by GWU) If you didn’t see the original message, here it is: (sent Thursday April 8) Tricia’s family has asked me to share some unsettling news with you all-- Some of you know that Trish has been having problems with pain in her back and neck recently but thought it was a product of stress and maybe a pinched nerve. Tuesday afternoon, she felt her symptoms were getting worse; prompting her to go to the local emergency room. There, doctors discovered a tumor growing in the lower part of her brain and decided immediately to operate. Let me tell you first that the doctors say the operation was a success, it doesn’t seem that there are any complications and she is doing pretty well, under the circumstances. Still, she has weathered about twelve hours of major surgery and is in Intensive Care where the doctors are keeping a very close eye on her and working on determining a prognosis. None of the areas that control thought, personality, etc. seem to have been damaged, thankfully. In any event, she seems to be doing well and in very good hands. Her family is in DC with her and the important thing is that she and they have a lot of time to rest and be together as this plays out. I’ve set up an email account (messages_for_tricia_at_yahoo.com) for anybody who wants to send her a message and she’ll get them when she’s in a position to appreciate all the support you send. Everybody has all their attention focused on her so please only send in messages to that address. I am giving them to her family and am not in any position to deal with individual responses now either. She’s in extremely good hands in the ICU and all we can do now is keep her in our thoughts as she rests and recuperates. As I mentioned above, the email where you can send Trish a message is messages_for_tricia_at_... And I know I don’t have nearly all the email addresses of the people who should be getting this message. Please make sure it reaches them. Best, Justin Gilstrap, friend --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Small Business $15K Web Design Giveaway - Enter today [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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