Hi, this is semi offtopic, but thought I'd post this just in case I missed people on the mailing list mentioned in Justin's posts (and if I have, please forward that email with impunity! :) ) Below is the bottom part of that mailing... -- Oy. Vey. Need a Vacation from my Brain! :-p I was finally discharged from GW hospital ~ 700ish in the evening last night. Now staying in DC area in a few hotels until next Wed. while my brother in law (and sister and niece with them...) is attending a conference. Will Be in Norfolk, VA with the siblings and Parentals after that -- through May 5th. Hoping to be back in (and at) circulation on Thurs. May 6th. (Yes... library pun very intentional). Can get around now -- short distances on my own. Longer distances or when tired with a walker. Living with a lot of muscle soreness for now. Know it'll take some time for my muscles to recover from ~ 17 days of little or no movement in the ICU. Trying to get a normal sleep pattern in, too, but that's also slow in coming. Of course, if these are the crux of my worries, I'm pretty far along. ;-) One day at a time... If you know my cell number, that'll always be with me. Feel free to call. I 'll also be online for time to time... maybe on IM. For those of you who don't know my regular email already, feel free to contact me at southard at gwu dot edu . I'll probably be peeking in the yahoo account from time to time, but now that I'm out and have a connection I'll check my regular account more. I really would like to thank you all again for the visits, the emails, the thoughts, the prayers... and heck...just for reading this and the other updates. 's helped keep up my spirits, and definitely warded off some boredom when days just consisted of waiting for the brain pressure to equalize. Glad to be out in the world, and thinking TRASHy thoughts... Now back tou your usual quizbowl board activity. Always, Tricia Southard (Furman '01, partially what's left of GWU's team) PS - I reserve the right to whack all trolls and mean spirited responders outside the head with my walker. ;-) :-p --- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, Justin Gilstrap <hradcany1_at_y...> wrote: > > Hello, > > > > I visited Trish tonight (Apr.9) and have some wonderful news. She is conscious and aware of her surroundings—enough to talk some and it doesn't seem as though any of her memory or thought processes were damaged. She was clearly touched by the messages I read her and wanted to tell you "thank you" and that her head/neck really hurts. > > > > She's still heavily sedated and in pretty rough shape but it's a huge relief to see her smile. > > > > Trish won't be able to receive any gifts or guests until at least after she leaves the ICU but keep sending her emails to messages_for_tricia_at_y... While Trish, her family and everyone is incredibly grateful for all the offers of help and concern, it's best to focus on writing her at the email address—the response has been great but I want to keep this wonderful outpouring from overwhelming anybody. > > > > And, while I have more names in the list, I had some addresses bounce back earlier and there are still lots more people I need to reach. Please forward this to them… > > > > Thanks, > > Justin, friend > > (former Dartmouth, adopted by GWU) >
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