Shonen Spork (Charlie Steinhice, Robert Trent, Keith Hudson, John Kilby) won TRASHionals 007: LAZENBY!! Sunday afternoon at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga. Shonen Spork defeated WWJDFAKB (Ben Gross, Andrew Hutchings, Kenny Peskin, Samer Ismail) in an exciting final round which saw both teams win bags of *hip-hop* potato chips (don't ask) for going 30/30 on bonus conversions. For the win, Shonen Spork received... -- The TRASH Belt -- A giant martini/margarita glass -- Four small martini glasses -- An electric football game -- A *Weakest Link* home game, complete with Anne Robinson mask -- And some other stuff WWJDFAKB received, among other things, a WWJD board game. Trust TRASH, it was a coincidence. Also in the Top 6... 3. BATTLEPLANET (David Murphy, Brian Hight, Jeremy White, Adam Mitchell) 4. Mike Keenan Employment Agency, LLC (Craig Barker, Mike Burger, Anne Mitchell, Alex Hovan) 5. Charles Taylor All-Stars (Matt Lafer, Matt Mosca, Steve Traicoff, Geoff Zmyslowski) 6. Passion of the Gerbil (Chris Rosenberg, Jon Couture, Matt Harper- Nixon, Allyson Harper-Nixon) The *Commissioner's Prize* went to Robert Trent (Shonen Spork). Robert was the second-highest scorer on Shonen Spork (behind Charlie), but was the top scorer among all *second bananas*. His prize? An autographed photo of the most famous women's tennis second banana ever -- Mrs. George Lazenby herself, PAM SHRIVER!! Dwight Kidder (Kidder Notorious) was the top individual scorer, and received a prize with a *local celebrity* theme. In the coming days, Dwight will be receiving a congratulatory phone call from Chattanooga native and character actor Dennis *Mr. Belding* Haskins. Many thanks go out to... Guest moderators Paul Bailey, Edmund Schluessel, Dave and September Leach, Kevin Olmstead, Richard Dunlap. Charlie Steinhice and the gang from UTC. The folks at WGOW-AM/FM, who hosted a TRASH trivia challenge between three WGOW radio hosts and a few TRASH players (TRASH, as always, came out on top). The Chattanooga Times Free Press, who wrote TWO articles on TRASHionals 007 this past Friday and Sunday, The folks at TRASH, who put up with me over the last several weeks. And all of the players who make TRASHionals what it is today. TRASHionals will return! James Dinan Business Manager, TRASH jdinan_at_... PS -- stats have been hermetically sealed and sent to TRASH's official stat office in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for translating and future posting. Please be patient as stats are being prepared.
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