*** 2nd annual All Movies Tournament (AMT2) Wrap-up. *** "Everything you always wanted to know about the movies, but were afraid to ask, answered in tossup format." Took place May 22nd at UC Berkeley, TDed by Ray and Eok. *** Field. *** UCI: Thomas, Willie, Zac. UCLA: Matt S., Dwight, Charles. Cal: Juliana, David, Seth, Matt L., Brendan, Martha, Nick, Lev, Yi, Salpi, Jon. Caltech: Jordan, Maribeth, Richard, Jim, Cecilia. Stanford: Pratik. Michigan: Jen, Rory. Others: Matt B, Andy. *** Format. *** We played 4 seeding rounds of 40 questions each, with rounds 1 and 4 containing 30 questions by Ray and 10 questions by Eok each, and rounds 2 and 3 containing 20 questions by the players and 10 questions by Eok and 10 questions by Ray each. The 20 question final was written by Ray. We had 3 rooms (Upper, Middle, Lower) with roughly equal distribution of 9 players of various levels of experience to begin round 1. After round 1, the top 3 players in each room move to the Upper room, the middle 3 to the Middle room, the lowest 3 to the Low room. After round 2, the lowest 3 scoring players in the Upper room move down to the Middle room, while the 3 highest scoring players in the Middle room move up the the Upper room, similarly for exchanging the lowest 3 players in Middle room and highest 3 players in Lower room. After round 3, we use the same procedure as round 2, but only 1 player is moved as opposed to 3. After round 4, the top 2 scoring individuals in the Upper room move on to the final. Players are ranked as they reach 60 points in rounds 1 to 3 and are excluded from further activity. In round 4, there is no limit on the amount of points you can earn. Ties in ranks are broken by noting who got to that point value first, excluding negs. Ties for people with no points are broken arbitrarily. *** Results. *** After round 3, the highest scoring players in the Upper room were (in order of highest score to lowest score): Thomas, David, Jon, Brendan, Nick, Juliana, Charles, Martha. The highest scoring player in the Middle room was Matt S., so these 9 made up the round 4 field for picking the two finalists. The final scores after round 4 are as follows (ties are broken by determining who got to the score first, discounting negs). 1. Jon (110) 2. Brendan (60) 3. Thomas (40) 4. Juliana (40) 5. Charles (25) 6. Matt S. (25) 7. David (15) 8. Nick (15) 9. Martha (5) Jon defeated Brendan 100 to 80 in the final, coming down to the last question. Congratulations to Jon, who received a copy of "Let's Go To The Movies!" a book of movies trivia, provided by Seth. *** Acknowledgments. *** Thanks to Jerry, Eok, and Andy for staffing, Seth for providing prizes and arranging rooms for us, and everyone for writing questions, and for playing. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. http://messenger.yahoo.com/
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