If you attended last summer's Viva TRASH Vegas tournament, you may
remember Paul Paquet, who played with the Anne Mitchell/Rob Long
squad and was one of the top individual players in the event.
Mr. Paquet happens to run his own trivia writing service at
http://www.triviahalloffame.com -- he also happens to be attending
the Game Show Congress this August in Burbank, CA. And now he is
making an open call for the greatest quiz bowl players of yesterday,
today and tomorrow to come to Burbank and compete in his greatest
trivia event yet -- the SmartyPants competition.
SmartyPants -- written entirely by Mr. Paquet -- brings together the
greatest quiz show contestants, bar trivia players and quiz bowl
competitors together for a trivia battle royal where there will be
If you're looking for a trivia fix this summer, and you want to show
a few game show contestants of yore who's boss, then come to the GSC
and play SmartyPants!
For more information, e-mail Mr. Paquet at paul_at_...
James Dinan
Business Manager, TRASH