This is an update on VETO, which is 13 days away, on Saturday, July 17. The Vancouver site has 8 teams and is now full. The Toronto site has 4 confirmed teams so far, and has room for up to 4 more. The new application deadline for Toronto is THURSDAY, JULY 8. Contact Rico at rcatibog_at_... (rcatibog at if you still want to play in Toronto as a team or as a free agent. Anyone is eligible for this guerrilla-style tournament. The VETO website is at: We keep this site up to date with current info. By the way, as a reminder to group members: If you write an e-mail address in a message posted to this group then it'll get truncated on the WWW archive ( ). So Rico's address above appears as "rcatibog_at_d..." Many of us read the quizbowl group messages on the WWW archive only, so please also write any e-mail addresses without the "_at_" sign (as I did above). I don't want to get into another long discussion, but I have a general question about some (not all) of the other tournament update postings here. Why do some people not include the dates of their tournaments, even when the ostensible reason for the post is to encourage people to come to them? One of today's posts even uses the circumlocution "the Sunday following the tournament" for another event on that same (unspecified) weekend. Maybe the idea is that the reader who doesn't already remember the date is expected to know how to find it, and to include it in black and white would just ruin the fun of it, but that seems unlikely because I've never heard anybody actually say anything like that. VETO will be on the same day as the NATSSO in Atlanta: I would have included this information in my previous posts, in case anyone had considered going to both, but I didn't know about it at the time because NATSSO wasn't on any of the calendars I checked, and the later Yahoo! group postings about NATSSO didn't include the date (or the website, for that matter). For general interest, the quiz bowl calendars I know of are: (need to log in to Yahoo!) (Craig mentioned this one) (for events in Canada)
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