To any and all it may concern, I will be running the Science
Monstrosity mirror at Chicago on Saturday night, after the completion
of the Chicago Open.
I've gotten the OK from Subash to run the event, so I just need to
know who wants to be involved. Even if you've already posted interest
or something like that on any board, PLEASE e-mail me *as soon as
possible* at (potru_at_...) to let me know if you a) plan to play;
b) have a buzzer system we can use; c) can moderate.
I don't know exactly what's going on with packets and such, but if
Jerry could let me know by e-mail, that'd be excellent.
Any other questions, don't hesitate to e-mail me and I'll do my best
to resolve any concerns.
--Sudheer (potru_at_...)