Anouncing: This Tournament Goes to Eleven VI: Lick My Love Pump Place: Iowa City, Iowa Dates: October (8-9) or (9-10) Building: Phillips Hall Times: TBA TD: Andrew R. Juhl (dr_pookman_at_...) Format: Tournament: 1. THIS IS A NON-PACKET SUBMISSION TOURNAMENT a. However, submissions will be accepted (any greatly appreciated), with compensation rewarded. 2. We are shooting for a 60/40 academic/TRASH tournament. Hopefully higher (75/25), but no lower than 50/50. 3. Teams may consist of as few as two (2) and as many as eight (8) players. 4. Each round of the tournament will pit one team against one other team. 5. Each round of the tournament will consist of two different packets being read simultaneously. a. Each packet will be either a 'theme' or a 'subject' packet (the difference between these is described below in Packet Requirements). b. The theme(s) and/or subject(s) of the two packets will be known to each team before the round begins. 6. Teams must "divide and conquer" in order to win the round. In other words, a team chooses among itself how best to divide its players between the two packets-with a max of four players from any one team per packet. Packets: 1. Each round consist of twenty 10-point toss-ups. 2. A correct answer by a player earns that player's team a shot at a 30-point bonus. 3. The following special scoring rules will also apply: a. Powers (on toss-ups) b. Lames (on bonuses) c. "The Euchre Rule" (currently in debate; will be explained at tournament) Eligibility: Players: 1. We welcome players from any team in the nation that would like to come, regardless of age, sex, or (lack of) university affiliation. Teams: 1. Teams must consist of no less than two (2) and no more than eight (8) players. In the interests of increasing competitiveness and fairness, however, the following player restrictions will apply: a. Any player currently working on his/her undergraduate degree(s) will count as 1 player. b. Any player currently working on his/her postgraduate degree(s) will count as 1.5 players. c. Any player who has received a Ph.D., M.D., or has played competitive trivia at the collegiate level for 8 or more years will count as 2 players. 2. Teams will not be policed to make sure these restrictions are enforced; you are on the honor system. 3. Any questions about eligibility are encouraged; e-mail dr_pookman_at_.... Registration: Base Fee: 1. $250/team Discounts: 1. First Packet: -$20 by Sept. 26, -$10 by Oct. 3 2. Second Packet: -$30 by Sept. 26, -$15 by Oct. 3 3. Working Buzzer: -$10/buzzer 4. Second Team: -$5/team 5. Third Team: -$10/team 6. Travel Discount: $0.10/mile (over 100 miles) 7. Best packet submitted: -$20 As always, if money is a problem, then please e-mail me at dr_pookman_at_.... I will do whatever I can to accommodate a team that cannot afford the full registration fee. Packet Submission: Freelancers: 1. Anyone/team who would like to write a freelance packet for TTGT11 VI is more than welcome; we would appreciate it greatly. 2. Anyone/team who writes one (1) freelance packet will be supplied with the whole of this year's tournament (roughly 25-30 packets!) 3. Anyone/team who writes two (2) freelance packets will be supplied with the whole of last year's tournament (that's 24 packets!) 4. We would prefer packets of an academic nature, or at least packets that are 50/50 academic/TRASH, but we will gladly take given to us, just the same. Theme Packets: 1. A theme packet is any packet with a distribution of questions from various fields of interest whose questions/answers all have something in common. 2. Any team/freelance that would like to submit a theme packet for TTGT11 VI, please follow the following loose distribution of 21TU/22B: a. History 4-5/4-5 b. Lit 4-5/4-5 c. Science 4-5/4-5 d. Misc. Academic 4-5/4-5 e. Trash/Current Events 2-3/2-3 Subject Packets: 1. A subject packet is any packet containing all questions on a single subject. For example, any packet focusing only on art would be a subject packet. A subject packet is not nearly as limiting as some might think, however, for even a packet on 'art' can contain art history, famous artists, works, museums, and even TRASH references (e.g. 'Whistler's Mother' in the movie Bean).
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