So we've had two scheduling problems in the past month or so (IO v CUT
and Rt. 66 v. TTGT11). I will therefore propose the following
imperfect potential solution.
Let's use the message board calendar utility here. Whenever a
tournament is announced place it on the Calendar as well and preface
it with the region as well. This would allow TD's to quickly check if
there is a regional tourney already scheduled w/o checking all the posts.
I propose the following regions (open to comment):
Central East
South East
Upper Midwest
Lower Midwest
For example:
The Illinios Open currently on the Calendar would appear as "Upper
Midwest - Illinois Open 2004". This would allow other TDs to look at
the Novemeber calendar and see that there already is an Upper Midwest
tourney for that day.
Yes this means more work for TDs (about 5 minutes) but that is much
smaller than the hassle of rescheduling a tourney and changing
reservations. This will also help new teams who are unfamilliar with
all the named tournaments determine which ones are close by.
This is merely the babblings of my own brain, take or leave whatever
you wish, but as QB evolves we will need to improve tourney scheduling
Respectully submitted to the group,
Tom Phillips