The field for ACF Fall 2004 at Rochester stands as follows:
Alfred University
Case Western Reserve University
Cornell University (1-3 teams)
University of Rochester (2 teams)
As it stands, we can run the tournament, but we're certainly prepared to
accept more teams. To sign up, send an e-mail to ga001m [at] mail [dot]
rochester [dot] edu. We will continue to accept registrations until the
final packet deadline, October 18th. If you wish to play but there's no way
you can make this deadline, let us know by October 18th and request an
extension on writing your packet; if Subash and Matt are willing to accept
your packet late, you can register as late as October 25th.
The tournament will be held in Meliora Hall; on the campus map at this is building 11. Registration
will begin at 9:00 am and the tournament will begin at 9:30 am.
See and for additional
Gordon Arsenoff
"If you put your foot in your mouth, and continue to shoot your mouth off,
you're only shooting yourself in the foot." -Me